Stepped Rain Insurance Coverage

Like traditional rain insurance, stepped coverage helps protect against weather conditions that reduce revenue lost due to reduced attendance, concessions and parking. Unlike the traditional rain insurance coverage, this coverage allows you to choose up to three rainfall threshold options, each with its own insured amount. Therefore, the greater the rainfall, the greater the claim.

Stated Value Policy: Once each of the agreed upon thresholds of rain is reached or exceeded during the specified date and time, the Sum Insured for that threshold is paid out. There are no audits or adjustments, and cancellation is NOT required to receive a claim payment.


  • A claim payment schedule that better reflects the impact rainfall will have on your event.
  • Less likely to “just miss” a claim payment for rainfall slightly under a single threshold, traditional option.
  • Depending on the chosen thresholds and sums insured, you may save premium dollars.

Coverage Example

Threshold* Rainfall Sum Insured
Threshold #1 0.10″ $2,000
Threshold #2 0.25″ $6,000
Threshold #3 0.50″ $12,000

*As each threshold is met, the associated Sum Insured is paid.

Rainfall Verification Options

  • Closest National Weather Service Location: Rainfall measured at the nearest NWS location, usually a major or regional airport, may be used at no additional cost.
  • Independent On-site Weather Observer (IWO): The insured may locate and hire (approx. $35/hour) a qualified IWO to measure rainfall on site. IWO usage is subject to approval.
  • Third-Party Observer: Rainfall determined by off-site company using primarily Doppler radar data. Fee is approximately $50-$75 per insured date.

Still have questions? Please contact us anytime!
We look forward to hearing from you.
