When you begin your search for insurance, regardless if its weather independent-insurance-brokerinsurance, home insurance, auto insurance or trip insurance, you’ll realize you have a lot of options. There are all of the big name companies, whose commercials you see daily, and then there are the independent insurance brokers like Spectrum.

An insurance agent who is affiliated with an agency, like one of the big name companies, can only sell you insurance from that company. Alternatively, an independent insurance broker is not tied to one insurance company, so they can objectively offer you the best policy for your individual needs. Below are some of the reasons our customers say they prefer the perks we can offer as an independent insurance broker.

Expert Knowledge

A large, national insurance company may be fine if you’re just getting your state’s mandatory minimum auto insurance that you hope you never need, but when it comes to weather insurance, you want someone who knows what they’re talking about. One person cannot know all there is to know about all the different types of insurance available, but one person can specialize in weather insurance. When you’re planning an event or pricing a snow removal contract, you’ll be grateful when the person recommending coverage plans has first-hand knowledge of weather patterns.

Spectrum’s president, Robert Holmes, began his professional career as a research meteorologist, studying the weather and climate of Antarctica.  After nine trips to Antarctica for field research, earning awards from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Navy, honored with the naming of the geographical feature Holmes Ridge, and publishing several research articles, you could say he knows a thing or two about Mother Nature.

Personalized Service

An independent insurance broker knows you by name, not policy number. All of our customers have a personal relationship with us because we’ve met with most of them and we’re personally involved in their industry, whether that’s by being a member of the industry association or attending their industry events.

Additionally, while we all hope you never need to make a claim, you can rest assured knowing if you do, all you need to do is call your agent, with whom you’ve developed a relationship and who understands your business, not a claim hotline where you’ll be redirected and asked to enter your policy number a dozen times.

Time and Cost Efficiency

An independent insurance broker can save you time and money. While an agent tied to an insurance company can only offer you plans available through that company, an independent broker can build a custom plan just for your needs, offering you the broadest range of coverage and competitive pricing. They will also take the time to learn about your business or event to ensure that the plan they build will sufficiently protect you and your assets in the event of a claim. An independent broker also offers one-stop shopping, so you don’t need to change agencies as your needs change and therefore saving you time and a lot of headaches.

To discover the benefits of an independent insurance broker first hand, insure your business or event through Spectrum Weather and Specialty Insurance. Contact us today to discuss your insurance needs.