handshake-2056023_960_720We understand that the relationship you hold with your local insurance agent is one that has most likely been cultivated and maintained for years or even decades. We, too, cherish the relationships we’ve developed with our clients over the years. We certainly understand and applaud such relationships, and we are not in the business of wedging ourselves in between those relationships. Perhaps the agency has been a sponsor of your fair or festival for many years, or perhaps even serves on the fair board, and it is expected that you continue to bring your business to their office. We get that.

The challenge is simply this: how do you ensure you are getting the best coverage at the best price when your local broker likely has only a single-carrier relationship regarding these specific and unique coverages? The answer is simple: Have your local insurance professional call Spectrum, allowing you to utilize Spectrum’s vast array of products and numerous carrier relationships, all the while maintaining that all-important relationship with your agency. And your local agency will still earn commission on the placement of coverage. It’s a win-win-win.

There are several reasons why you will benefit from asking your agent to reach out to Spectrum: we offer more options, in-depth market reach and decades of experience. Weather and event cancellation insurance is a very unique specialty and, fortunately for you, it’s all we do, and we are very good at it.

When it comes to options, Spectrum provides you with numerous alternatives beyond the basic, traditional option such as 6pm – 10pm, 0.25” rainfall threshold. While this type of coverage, designed and first deployed in the 1970s, may still be useful, there are so many other options that are now available. There are options that are based on the number of hours it rains, rather than the amount. There are options that have more thresholds than a single 0.25” threshold and therefore the more it rains, the greater the claim. There are options for track events that are impacted by rain during the day, not just in the evening when the event is scheduled to take place. Has your agent offered or explained any of these options to you? If not, why not?

When it comes to pricing your coverage, how many markets are explored by your agent? One? In each state, there are at least three admitted carriers for weather insurance, and in some there are as many as five. Doesn’t it stand to reason that by requesting quotes for coverage from as many insurance carriers as possible, you are most likely to obtain the best price? If your local agent is not reaching out to all markets, or does not know where to do so, Spectrum can help. Have your agent call us and we will gladly reach out to our markets on your behalf.

Because we place hundreds of policies for insureds such as yourself, we have the experience required to place the best coverage to address your own unique needs. In fact, we’ve probably worked with another event that has had the same coverage needs. This experience has led us to develop several new options that did not exist just a few years ago. Let us work with you, through your agent if you prefer, to address your needs. We may have some suggestions for coverage based on what we have done for others.

Spectrum has the experience, market reach, coverage options and expertise that are matched by no other agent or broker in the country. Why wouldn’t you want Spectrum working for you? Make sure to have your agent contact Spectrum for your unique needs! We do weather better.

Contact us, or have your agent contact us, to see what we can do for you.