You may think that an indoor event is exempt from any negative effects of the weather…and you would be wrong. Remember when snow and ice in Dallas canceled hundreds of flights, turned roads into ice rinks and prevented some ticket holders from making it to Super Bowl XLV in 2011? Due to the inherent danger of winter storms, indoor events are not immune to their effects. Just like rain, a significant snowfall can hamper an indoor event by hindering people’s ability or desire to attend. Snow and ice can shut down roadways and public transit and make it dangerous—and less appealing—for people to leave the comfort of their homes.

Spectrum Weather Insurance provides snowfall insurance for a variety of thresholds, from large amounts that may very well cause you to cancel the event, to small snowfall amounts which may only cause a slight disruption. The insured chooses the hours for which they need coverage, and Spectrum provides quotes for several snowfall threshold options from which to choose. A sample policy might be three inches of snowfall between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. results in a claim payment.

However, predicting the weather weeks to months in advance is an exercise in futility. Fortunately, to help you get the best bang for your buck in terms of coverage, Spectrum’s president and experienced meteorologist, Robert Holmes, is more than happy to help you decide on a snowfall threshold.

So, when should you obtain your weather insurance quote for an event? As soon as possible. The simple reason being that it will make your life much easier. When a quote is obtained ahead of time, you are able to incorporate the cost into your overall budget and be better prepared to incorporate the premium cost with your other costs for the events. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to set prices for tickets, concessions and other revenue sources to ensure the event is profitable. This proactive approach allows for more reliable financial projections for your event, with fewer surprises afterwards.

If you have questions about the types of weather insurance or event cancellation insurance available, we’re always here to help. Don’t hesitate to give us a call, shoot us an email or meet us at one of the many industry conferences or other events we attend. By discussing your needs with Spectrum, you will benefit from our knowledge of the various weather products available as well as our experience gained from working with hundreds of events like yours. You can also find more information about weather insurance and event cancellation insurance on our website